Many organizations focus on distributing computers or extending fixed and mobile Internet capabilities around the world. The World Wide Web enhances the value of computers and the Internet by making it easy to create, link and find information anywhere in the world. However, only 25% of the world’s population uses the Web, despite the fact that more than 70% (and growing) have access to mobile or fixed communications.

The red represents the 35% of the world without valuable Web access. { Source: Internet World Stats.}

The following challenges contribute to this discrepancy and impede the Web from reaching its full potential:

Until now, there has been no coordinated effort to address these significant challenges and to promote the Web as an agent of human empowerment. To fill this void, the World Wide Web Foundation was launched by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, and others who have the knowledge and passion to realize the potential of the Web as an empowering medium.